Fabian Hänle, MBA, Ph.D. The China Expert.


Uplifting Consciousness in Firms

Inspiring positive developments by supporting organisations and its people in unleashing their potential, breaking new, innovative ground, raising consciousness and energy levels, creating healthy, growth-promoting environments and team flows, bringing cultures together across national borders and to putting the most important thing at the centre with intuition and from heart: the people - because they are the ones who carry a company to success.


Interview with the Handelsblatt

In this episode, podcast host Simone Nissen and China expert Dr. Fabian Hänle shed light on the impressive development of Chinas family firms and unknown world market leaders. They focus on the new opportunities and risks that this presents for Western companies. The Handelsblatt is Germany's leading business paper.

Link to the Podcast


1st book publication: Wirtschaftserwachen

Wirtschaftserwachen - or Economic Awakening in English - takes readers on a journey to China. As the first book on the German market, we get to know a global player that is hardly known but affects us all: China's Mittelstand (SMEs) and family firms.

60% of the GDP and 70% of technological innovations in China are generated by SMEs. But who are they? What makes China's hidden champions of tomorrow tick? And how is this related to our future in Germany and the Western economy?

Management pioneer Dr. Fabian Hänle shows how we can deal more successfully with China and sustain our economic success. How we unleash our huge untapped human potential, raise our awareness and create the kind of world and economy we want for our children. Not driven by fear, but out of a calm state and peaceful strength, with good, respectful interactions with each other - with ourselves, with others and with our planet.

"A groundbreaking contribution for business, politics and those interested in the world."

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hermann Simon
Bestselling author, Inventor of the Hidden Champions, and Founder and Honorary Chairman of Simon-Kucher & Partners

Order on Amazon


Exclusive-Interview with WirtschaftsWoche

One of Germany's leading business magazines - the WirtschaftsWoche - interviews management pioneer and China expert Dr. Fabian Hänle.

Link to the Interview


Keynote Speaker

Dr. Fabian Hänle is a guest three times at manager magazin's Business Club. Selected experts are sharing their knowledge, such as Günther H. Oettinger, former Minister President of Baden-Württemberg, Dr Moritz Kraemer, Chief Economist at LBBW, and Erwin Staudt, former President of VfB Stuttgart.

Frankfurt, 09.04.2024, Villa Bonn
Hamburg, 08.05.2024, Hanse Lounge
Stuttgart, 12.06.2024, Schloss Solitude


Appointed to Professor

Appointed professor and adjunct faculty member at the triple-crowned Antwerp Management School, Fabian Hänle today teaches with great joy and creativity at renowned universities and business schools worldwide. In doing so, it is one thing above all that drives him: inspiring people.

Link to Fabian Hänle at AMS


Foundation of Dr. Hänle & Partners Consulting

Following the growing demand for China expertise from Western companies and politics, Fabian Hänle founds the international management consultancy Dr. Hänle & Partners Consulting GmbH. Clients include decision-makers in DAX stock-listed companies as well as numerous well-known SMEs, Hidden Champions and global market leaders.


Speaker at conferences worldwide

Fabian Hänle is invited as a speaker at conferences worldwide, including a keynote speech at the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Brussels (2022), at the 25th Euro-Asia Conference hosted by the Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland (2021) and the 10th International Engaged Management Scholarship (EMS) Conference organized by the Weatherhead School of Management in Cleveland, USA (2020).


International scientific publications

The internationalization of Chinese SMEs and the role of the political dimension - a new challenge, but also an opportunity for the Western world. Exclusive insights from interviews conducted by Fabian Hänle in over ten years in China.

Publication 1
Publication 2
Publication 3


PhD on China

Completion of an extra-occupational doctorate on the internationalization of Chinese medium-sized companies and the role of the political dimension and cooperation between China and Germany. The public defense at the University of Antwerp & Antwerp Management School on November 5, 2021 is live streamed to more than 10 countries worldwide due to great interest.


2013-2021: Successful as CEO in China

After more than 8 highly successful years as CEO of Blickle China, Fabian Hänle is handing over management in China to a leadership team he has built up over years and is returning to Germany. The balance sheet: Break-even in the 2nd financial year, an exceptionally high level of employee satisfaction and loyalty, the development of the company in China into one of the largest and most successful subsidiaries worldwide (sales and EBIT), as well as the gained position as one of the recognized market leaders in China.


Unique experience on China

Since 2013, Fabian Hänle and his wife have been celebrating the annual Chinese New Year with the family in the traditional Chinese way. The grandparents Guo Ting Kui (94) and Wang Pei Jie (95) witnessed the founding of the People's Republic of China in Beijing and have a unique wealth of experience that they pass on to Fabian Hänle.


Wedding in China

Marriage with Jia Guo, an internationally successful Chinese entrepreneur, together with the family in Shandong.


Invitation from President Macron

On November 4, 2019, in preparation for meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping, President Macron invites to a personal exchange with high-ranking representatives of German and French companies in Shanghai. These included chairmen and board members of BASF, Siemens, L'Oréal and Louis Vuitton. In addition to the French delegation, 20 German representatives are invited, including: Dr. Fabian Hänle and Dr. Martin Brudermüller (Chairman BASF). During the event, Dr. Hänle has the opportunity to talk with President Macron about the role of a strong EU in the face of global challenges such as negotiations with China. Leading European media (FAZ, Spiegel, Zeit, NZZ) report about the event.

Press release FAZ November 4, 2019
Press release French Embassy November 4, 2019
Press release NZZ November 4, 2019


CEO Roundtable with Germany’s business and political elite

Fabian Hänle discusses with the German Federal Minister of Education and Research Anja Karliczek (Merkel cabinet IV), the current Vice President of the European Chamber of Commerce China Bettina Schön-Behanzin, the Executive Director of the German Chamber of Commerce China Simone Pohl, the CEO of VW China Dr. Stephan Wöllenstein, Webasto board member Freddy Geeraerds, and other leading personalities from Germany’s business and political elite about the most important challenges and strategies of European companies in China.


2019-present: Passing on and helping those around us

Monthly school sponsorship of 7 children in Nepal via Om Shivom Nepal e.V. as well as support for social projects in Germany and Bangladesh via the Förderbrücke Balingen e.V. - if you are interested in participating, please let us know.


MBA at elite university as “Best of Class”

Graduated from the Executive MBA at the elite Shanghai Tongji University and Mannheim Business School as the best in class. This is followed by lectures as a guest professor at leading business schools and universities in China and Europe.


Business-fluent Chinese skills

Fabian Hänle travels 3 years during his vacation time to a mountain town in northern China with no foreigners and no English, where he lives with an elderly Chinese couple and studies with a local teacher seven days a week. In 2015 he passed the official Chinese HSK 5 exam (level C1, business fluent).


2013-2021: CEO in China

Appointed as CEO China at the age of 26. Development of the subsidiary of the German world market leader Blickle in China (Suzhou) with P&L responsibility from scratch on. Outstandingly successful development from zero to one of the market leaders in China (2013-2021). Press reports and interviews will follow.


2010-2013: Area Manager Asia-Pacific

Youngest area manager in company history. Responsible for international sales and the internationalization of the German group and world market leader Blickle in Asia-Pacific. Sales increases of +50% in three years and pro-active initiation of market entry in China.


2007-2010: Bachelor of Arts

International business studies at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University with company projects abroad in France and Canada and scholarship for the USA (University of California Santa Barbara).


1987-2007: Origin and school education

Born 1987 in southern Germany (Albstadt), primary school and Abitur in 72336 Balingen. As a child, Fabian enjoyed creative building, reading with his family, surfing in the waves of the Atlantic ocean and playing soccer with friends.

CV Fabian Hänle, MBA, Ph.D.


Fabian Hänle's calling is to inspire people and organisations to develop in a positive and coherent way. To support people in developing their potential, to break new, innovative ground, to create healthy, growth-promoting environments and team flows, to raise consciousness and energy levels, to bring cultures together across national borders and to put the most important thing at the centre with intuition and feeling: people - because they are the ones who carry a company to success.

Business Background:

As a CEO in China, Dr. Fabian Hänle spearheaded the growth of a German hidden champion for over a decade, elevating it from greenfield to market forerunner. Having served professional stints in the USA, Canada, and France as well, Dr. Hänle boasts a wealth of expertise in strategy, sales, and executive leadership roles. Thanks to his practical experience in China, coupled with his scientific, on-site research and proficiency in Mandarin, he possesses unparalleled insights into the local mentality, culture, and authentic Chinese ethos.
Today, he is a Professor at the Antwerp Management School and serves as Managing Director on the board of a European technology leader. As the founder of Dr. Hänle & Partners Consulting, he collaborates with decision-makers across DAX corporations, well-known family firms, and global market leaders. Dr. Hänle’s mission is to inspire people and organizations to make positive contributions that benefit people, the economy, and the planet.

Academic Background:

For his bachelor’s degree in International Business Fabian Hänle studied at the Dual University of Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) and, thanks to an awarded scholarship, at the University of California in the USA (UCSB). Years later and already as CEO in China, he graduated at the Executive MBA program of Mannheim Business School and Shanghai Tongji University as Best of Class. Continuing his pursuit for academic excellence and for bridging theory to practice, Fabian Hänle then joined the PhD Program for Executives at the Antwerp Management School and the University of Antwerp, where he obtained his PhD in 2021 and was appointed Professor in 2023. He is the author of multiple book chapters and academic articles in international, peer-reviewed journals. Through his business experience and continuous on-the-ground research in China, Fabian Hänle became a globally leading expert in the internationalization of Western and Chinese small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and hidden champions.
